The Companion Journal

What Is Your Dog's Personality Type?

What Is Your Dog's Personality Type?

Just like us, our dogs are all different and unique in their own way. They possess personality traits that make them special and often provide us with endless entertainment. 

After being around a variety of dogs over the years, we have always had fun observing these quirky and funny traits and have broken down 5 of our favourite Dog Personality Types. Which one best describes your dog?!

The Guide For The Curious Dog Owner

The Guide For The Curious Dog Owner

Have you ever caught your dog doing something random or weird and wondered “why did they do that?” or “are they the only one who does that?”. We all want answers to some of these bizarre mannerisms, so here is a guide to satisfy some of your curiosities!
Lockdown DIY Enrichment Dog Toys & Treats

Lockdown DIY Enrichment Dog Toys & Treats

Are you struggling to keep your dog entertained during lockdown? Try these easy, quick and simple DIY Dog Toy & Treat Hacks that double as enrichment activities to keep you dog entertained and engaged for hours!
Meeting Madam Pomfrey - The Adopted Cat I Can't Live Without

Meeting Madam Pomfrey - The Adopted Cat I Can't Live Without

Adopting a pet can be a complicated and scary process. But when you find that right match for you, it almost feels as if it was meant to be. Pets are those constants in our lives that provide unconditional happiness, love and support, and the ones that often provide it the most, are the ones that also need it the most.